Day two is complete!! 55 squats completed.
I saw this on my Facebook feed and made a split-second decision to do it. I am starting this tonight. On my calendar I will mark it as being Thursday, Oct 17th. I did the fifty squats for day one already. I know I will burn like crazy, but this is my goal. And hopefully, I can post from my Kindle at home instead of just at work. I will post on this site every day I can when I do my squats. *takes deep breath* If I can do this, I can do anything. 


Watch me succeed, for I have God cheering me on.

Since we recently moved, even though it isn't far from where we were, the walking paths and areas have changed.

Instead of walking a set bike/walk path that was just around the corner, I get to walk through train yards and business filled streets. Before, we were away from business areas and in a much more residential area.

I may not get the quiet peace of the walking path by the woods and homes, but I get more to look at and keep my mind busy as I walk. More street lights as well. :)

George likes to introduce me to new walking areas, and soon I will find my own little places to walk on my own. New walking paths means I will never get bored with my walks. I may even meet new people depending on when I walk.

This is a GOOD thing if I may say so myself.
So far I have walked over 20 miles in May and spent 18 hours doing so. Three weeks worth of goals are complete. Much more to come!!
So many times I have started workouts or started being healthier just to fall off the wagon. No more!

I waited to post this because I wanted to prove it to myself before posting yet another "I'm gonna do it!" just to prove myself a liar.

I started about a week and a half ago. Last week, I went for 4 or 5 walks. Each one was roughly two miles. This week so far, I have gone on one walk... it's only Tuesday. Today, was in a mood to walk. It was 93 degrees out and the air was dry. This didn't deter me. In fact, I smiled and thought that it would help me more because of the extra sweating. I felt AMAZING about 5 minutes in. I don't always feel awesome when I start, but I know that I will feel great once I get moving. I understand the runner's high...even without being a runner. I kept pushing myself to the next sign along the walking/biking path. Then, I looked off to a path in the woods and grinned. I got giddy like a kid. I wanted an adventure, and I gave myself one. Steep slopes, winding paths, jumping over logs, etc. The smells and sights were exhilerating.

My walk/hike took me about 3 miles. That is a record for me thus far. I am looking forward to my next walk/hike.

Walking is my new drug!! G even bought me walking weights. Used those last week...and omigawd. They made my arms and upper thighs burn. Every other walk for a while.

The reason for the Bruce Lee quote: I intend to master the basics as a part of my exercise. I will keep walking, increasing my distance gradually and my speed as well. Then I will increase how often I use the weights. As I do all this, I will work harder on my stance, muscle tightening and arm movements. Once I have mastered all of those basics, I will find new ones to master.

G started sparring with me ocassionally as well. Teaching me to punch better.

There is also a jump rope in my arsenal as well. I will keep up with that to master it as well. Watch me speed jump in no time; cross-armed, double spin, etc. It will take time, but I will master it.

I am excited about the goals, and my ULTIMATE GOAL is to have the body I had my senior year of high school. Yes, I know I had children. Yes, I know I have been sedintary for so long. Yes, I know I am over 30. Does that matter? NO! I am a beast! I will get that body back.


P.S.- In the last couple of months, I have lost 10 pounds. On 5/10/13, I weighed 231.

As many of you are aware, January has held a lot of the worst illnesses. Some have had a much worse time of it than others.

For me, I got two of which was an infection that made me think it was severe stomach flu. Another was an actual flu that I obtained through normal contact with my daughter.

I am still on the (hopefully) tail end of the latter. It is currently in my chest and sinuses. Not fun at all, let me tell you. I had a fever of 102, chills, sweating, aches that racked my was miserable. I know there are those that have had worse, and I am not belittling their experiences.

The reason I am writing this blog is more for the reason to explain why I did not exercise much this month. Trust me, it was not for lack of want. It was due to lack of energy and time. With working and taking care of myself, I haven't been able to be very physical. That shall change as soon as the rest of this breaks up and leaves my chest. If it doesn't soon, I will check with my doctor.
Today I started some basic exercises. I will do these daily.

  • Crunches - 2 sets of 10, with legs lifted for the second set
  • Push-ups - 15 (on my knees)
  • Stretching forward with feet touching in front of me
  • A couple of basic yoga poses, names of them unknown, held for 2 minutes a piece.
The amount of time held and reps done will increase with time.

Regarding diet, I am still eating more vegetables and less carbs, but I am keeping to the diet soda and sugar free sweets.

Meditating will start tonight, once the house is quiet. My goal for that is not really diet or exercise related, but will help with easing my stresses.