While I don't exactly have time to write a full blog, I do want to share with the world that HerStory: Fiction Honoring Women's History Month was released for the public to buy earlier today!!! I have two stories within the book myself titled Please Stay and Your Honor, May I? The latter being very close to my heart and dedicated to my great grandmothers, may they rest in peace. 

On Amazon
Barnes & Nobel

You can buy the book at any of the links listed above. This has to be one of the BEST birthday gifts ever!! This now published writer just turned 31 years young yesterday. Between the day itself and the release of HerStory, this birthday has officially gone down in my book as the most memorable and exciting one yet. 

Please enjoy the book!! There were 26 other writers who did an amazing job putting this book together! Buy it to support them if not me. 

Tara & Angie did an amazing job on everything as well...and once I have a proper time to write a more OFFICIAL blog post, I will name more women involved who are very deserving of the credit. 

Also for full details on the giveaways, check out HerStory Blog.