I just wanted to kind of update about everything from my writing, the show I am currently obsessed with, what I am reading and my new family member.

First, Pinky seems to be adjusting well. He ate well on Saturday. He has mites now though, which can be quite deadly to snakes and annoying as well. I have plans to go pick up more food for him as well as some mite spray to start treating him. I really hope they don't reinfest too much. I want to keep my boy healthy and alive.

As for my writing, nothing new has come forth. I just don't have the urge to write. Though I should be pushing myself and continuously be looking for inspiration, but I just don't have the drive to do it at the moment. Some might say I am not a true writer or that I don't really want to succeed. That is so far from the truth. I just want it to stay something I love to do rather than push myself into success to the point that it becomes a chore and I don't want to anymore.
The anthology is coming together quite well from what I understand. It is due to be published sometime in March for Women's History Month.

I am still reading Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice. It is slow going because of the shows I keep getting myself stuck on. I need to finish the current one and stay off of Netflix for a while. Haha.

Speaking of the shows I am obsessed with, right now I am in the middle of season two of Lost Girl. While the acting & writing is a bit on the "needs work" side, I still love the idea of the show, and I love the characters Kenzie, Dyson, Trick and Hale. The rest of the characters could really use some work. Also, having a succubus falling in love and trying to be monogamous? Come on people! But Kenzie cracks me up, Trick intrigues me with all of his secrets, and Dyson makes me lick my lips...and I find myself wanting to know more about Hale.

My health...part of me doesn't want to post this part because I really don't want to get a bunch of grief for not taking care of myself. I shall make this brief. I haven't been testing or sticking to my diabetic diet. So shoot me. I am paying my prices....trust me. The water intake is increasing once again and salads have replaced the pastas and pizza rolls in my fridge again. Testing my blood sugar will resume after a full day of proper diet. I know...there are a lot of risks to this kind of behavior. I am fully aware. I just find myself sighing and rolling my eyes at the whole thing. I love food...and it seems like such a travesty to not enjoy the foods you put into your mouth...to be on a constant diet. The energy and lack of pain...and the proper digestion would all be worth it, but for some reason, I find myself struggling. I will do well for a while and then revert. I have to want it...really want it........but I don't yet.

So there you have it. The latest on me. Just getting things off my chest and letting anyone who actually reads this crap all about what has been going on with moi.

Peace <3
Pinky resting at the back of his tank.
See that little guy? His name is Pinky and he is a corn snake. He is our new family member. I just got him yesterday, January 29th. He is the first pet I have paid for myself, and I have been beyond words excited.

A few weeks ago, I was thinking about what I wanted for my birthday which isn't until March 7th. At first, I decided I just wanted a small tanked creature like a fish or turtle or reptile of some sort. I was (at first) willing to wait until my birthday to see what George surprised me with. Then I went to the pet store to look around and saw this little guy. I asked the attendant a bunch of questions and even got to hold him. The snake, not the attendant. LOL

First time I held Pinky.
After holding him for a few minutes, and not wanting to put him back, I decided that was the snake for me. I even named him before I even bought him. I went back a second time to visit him with my best friend, Dani, and the woman who feeds the snakes happened to be there. She took a look at Pinky and determined he was a male. I still have to get him checked for sure or wait until he gets a bit bigger, but I will know for sure.

Yesterday, I decided that I was going to pick up everything and there was no stopping me. I had the funds to get all of his equipment and I hoped I was going to be able to afford the animal as well. Well, lucky for me, I had just enough. Yay!!!
Pinky speeding in front of his hidey skull as he investigates his new home.
After I got him home and set up his tank, he was really active with his investigating his new home. He was going so fast he blurred in a few pictures. He seemed to be looking for an escape. No way, buddy. Momma secured your home well.

Our 5 year old male black cat, Onyx wanted to investigate the new quick-moving habitant of our home and did a little peeking of his own.

Onyx looking into the tank to see who or what was in there.
Overall, this has been a great new adventure so far. I am very excited about the years to come with my new small kid. Saturday is his first feeding at home with us. For those with weaker stomachs, I suggest not looking at that blog post. There will be pictures.

I am now the proud owner of a herp!!